Deep Geothermal Solutions

Deep Geothermal Solutions

Our approach

We develop the safest solution to recover the heat stored in deep underground rock layers.

Our closed-loop system is built by connecting an injection and production well with several lateral boreholes at heat depth. This creates a radiator-like installation into which water is circulated to collect the heat from the Earth.

When brought back to surface this heat is then used for industrial heating, cooling, and baseload power generation.

The temperature below our feet increases by 30°C per kilometer

Our installations are deployed between 2-5 kilometers depth
Closed Loop Geothermal Application Field

Our legacy

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.

At SwissDGS, we plan, design and build energy solutions anchoring long-term thinking at the root.

Our intention is to deploy deep geothermal plants as century-spanning energy infrastructures to secure a sustainable and reliable access to energy for the generations to come.

Thermosiphon effect

Cold water entering the injection well gets heated through the multiple deviated boreholes at depth.

It is then pushed back to surface thanks to a thermosiphon effect that naturally takes place because of the dropping density of hot water.

The thermosiphon effect creates a natural circulation loop, avoiding parasitic power load and costs required in conventional deep geothermal plants to pump the water back to surface.

Resource efficiency

Our installation is designed to match local energy need.

A closed loop installation collects the heat of the Earth by conduction only.

This process is closely predictable, depending mainly on the cumulated length of the multilaterals at depth.

Because heat demand is not constant with daily, weekly and seasonal variations, our installation is carefully dimensioned to ensure the maximal use of the produced geothermal heat. This also translates in better economics.

Our roadmap

Our roadmap is simple.

Our first geothermal installations are deployed at medium depth to supply direct heat at temperature below 100°C and a capacity of a few MW thermal.

We use our learnings to target greater depth and higher temperatures to generate baseload electricity in addition to heat in the coming decade.

By 2050, deep geothermal systems supply a significant part of the Swiss energy mix with a local, sovereign renewable energy source, both in the form of heat and electricity.

Made possible by Migros Pioneer Fund

The Migros Pioneer Fund supports sustainable solutions for societal challenges with the goal of initiating systemic change towards a future-oriented society. The impact-oriented funding approach combines financial support with active funding and risk management. The fund is part of the social commitment of the Migros Group and has an annual budget of approximately CHF 15 million. The Migros Pioneer Fund is supported by companies such as Denner, Migros Bank, Migrol, migrolinio and Ex Libris.

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